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Hayley has an extensive experience, developed throughout her degree, within a variety of visual mediums including short films, a music video and a promotional piece for an Archaeology company. She creatively approaches each new challenge with a unique stance, energy, and passion to craft the finest result possible, be it for her own projects, or for collaborative work. Hayley prides herself in strong abilities to ensure any model or actor is at ease when working with them. Professional work with clients such as Wessex Archaeology shows refined communication and collaboration skills and an ability to meet a client's needs thoroughly. Hayley is keen to take these skills further into professional work on set or in a workshop.

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"Hayley is first and foremost an extremely talented makeup artist; the results she achieves are so realistic. But just as important is her ability to make the time pass by with cheer- her manner and care are exceptional"


-Vincent Oblyschuk (Student Actor) 

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